Brian John Rolls was born on 20 June 1944 in London, England. He has always been a person with broad interests and had a variety of businesses. Another hobby is travelling. During his travels, he developed a passion for painting. He gets his inspiration from the people he meet and the places he has visited.
Brian with recent artwork
Brian is self-taught. He loves to experiment with different styles and various sizes of canvas and paper. His preferred method of painting is with acrylics, but he also uses felt-pens, ink and any drawing material that is available to him; he has been known to use coffee and tea in his works. Brian has been creating many new works in 2007, on 60cm x 80cm canvas and drawings on 27cm x 35cm, 300gms watercolour paper, using watercolour pencils and acrylic paint. Too many to put them all on his website.
"My paintings and drawings are colourful and expressive. I let my imagination
take over, none of my work is copied. I tried to be as free as possible
with my expressions. I am self taught, but I am influenced by various modern
and classic painters.
I have named some of my paintings, but I prefer the viewer to look at
my paintings and let their imagination run free and see the hidden images,
which I have painted subconsciously in some of them. I hope you will get
as much pleasure looking at my paintings and drawings, as I had creating
them. My motto is: beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
Hope you'll enjoy my work".
If you would like to visit me at my studio, which is situated in the
Delftsestraat 27, Rotterdam please contact me on 06-15141768
You can also contact me via email:
I am looking forward to hearing your comments and opinions.