Specials Groningen

12, 13 en 14 januari
different locations
city Groningen
Noorderslag Weekend 2006, taking place on Thursday 12, Friday 13 and Saturday 14 January, consists of EuroSonic (Europe’s Prime New Talent Event), Noorderslag Festival and Noorderslag Seminar. During EuroSonic (12 and 13 January) around 135 European bands will play on 20 stages. On Noorderslag Festival (14 January) over 45 bands and acts will play the eight stages of De Oosterpoort. And during the whole three days of the Noorderslag Weekend, the Noorderslag Seminar will host a large delegation of the European music industry. Eurosonic's special focus is on German bands this year.


By André Dodde
In 1986 it was little more than a fun musical battle in De Oosterpoort between ten Belgian and ten Dutch acts. “We started out as a festival for people in Groningen, but have now become one of the main platforms in the Europan music sector,” says Peter Smidt, involved in the very first days of Noorderslag and now working as its creative director. He takes us for a guided tour through 20 years of Noorderslag pop history...
A few acts are:
Silence Is Sexy, winner of the "Grolsch Grote Prijs van Nederland", will open in the Live-XS Cellar on Saturday.14 jan 20.45.
17 Hippies (D)  THU 12 JAN Spieghel - 00.00 u
Wir sind Helden  13 jan Minerva  0.45 u
Sweet Candy Kills (NL)-  Fri 13jan  - Shadrak 20.15h
T-99   za 14jan Grolsch Foyer  02.30.
Popprijs (NL)   ZA 14 JAN -  Buma-Stemra Zaal  22.45 u
Racoon  za 14 jan 0.15  Buma-Stemra zaal
Wie krijgt nu weer de Popprijs? De groep of artiest die het afgelopen jaar het meest heeft bijgedragen aan de Nederlandse popmuziek, natuurlijk!

17 hippies...
Visit for complete program

Tickets for EuroSonic and Noorderslag are available now. Tickets are available at the bigger post offices, GWK’s (foreign exchange points), VVV’s (tourist offices) and via the Ticketlijn 0900-3001250 (45 ct.p.m.), via www.ticketmaster.nl, and other regular ticket sales points.

thursday 12 januari: 20.00–04.00
friday 13 januari: 20.00–05.00
pasje 2 dg    30 euro
saturday14 januari: 20.30–04.00
entree 1 dg    33 euro
passe partout Euro/Noord (3dg)  52 euro

De Oosterpoort
Trompsingel 27 Groningen
tel +31 (0)50 368 01 11

read also the Groninger Internet Courant  or

shopping Groningen