The 2012 FPA World Frisbee Freestyle Championships will take place at Bloemendaal Strand, near Amsterdam in the Netherlands on June 23-24, 2012.
If the weather circumstances are too bad you can find us in
Sporthal Korver
Duintjesweg 1
2041 TZ Zandvoort
The FPA Worlds is the largest event of it's kind and is considered the true World Championships of Frisbee Freestyle.
The site of the venue: Beach club Bloomingdale, famous in the Netherlands to set the trend in both music and ambiance.

Freestyle Frisbee® World Championship
The Frisbee® had a remarkable start. Originally, the Frisbee® was no more than a pie tin in which the Frisbie Baking Company baked and sold its pies. Throwing the Frisbee®, since 1957 by purpose-manufactured plastic discs, was one thing. Soon, genius and athletic folks invented all sorts of tricks one could do with a Frisbee®. Freestyle Frisbee® was born.

Teams will compete in 4 divisions - Open, Womens and Mixed Pairs and Open Co-op (3 person teams) with the finals happening on Sunday, June 24th
More than 150 competitors from over 10 nationalities will compete for the honor of being crowned
2007 World Champion Freestyle Frisbee©

The FPA Worlds will take place on the beach in front of Bloomingdale Bar on "Bloemendaal Aan Zee" (translated to English: Flower Valley at the Sea)
Bloemendaal Beach is less than 20 Km west from Amsterdam and about 3 Km North of Zandvoort in the Netherlands

Saturday, June 23 2012; 14:00 - 19:00
Sunday, June 24 2012 15:00 - 20:00
Bloemendaal Beach
2 km walk from Zandvoort
events Amsterdam