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newsboard  1 februari -2016
The SocialMedia section has one page more now. Services like Pinterest or Instagram are more and more used as a part of other social networks by many people. Therefore we developped a new page  with this channels, include a new item called NetPics with a WorldWide offer, include China and Russia...

SocialMedia >> socialTV
Due to a server reorganisation of iMusea we recommend all our visitors of iMusea to refresh their page(s) by just one click on the topologo of iMusea and navigate to the new museumpage. Please remove saved pages.
Thank you for your attention and have a great 2016 !!

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WWtourist >> Restaurants
We hebben een extra pagina toegevoegd aan onze SocialMedia sectie. Bovengenoemd item NetPics is ook in het Nederlands beschikbaar...

SocilaMedia >> socialTV

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