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newsboard  18-10-2006
The newest DESKTOP computer is no computer anymore if we follow the philosophy of Bull technology
It is just a box in the wall where we can plug in all the USBdevices we need. The WiFi-unit transmits the data to the mainframe!

Try our special press with more technical news >>
On the office-page recruitment/networking we can find  the mobile solution to check your hotmail account. go there >>
NETboard: WWWTIPS for PC
Turn your light on in the dark and visit the online Match Museum!

De foto boven betreft de nieuwste desktop van Bull waarvan niet meer dan een WiFi-unit in de muur is overgebleven waarin men zijn randapparatuur plugt...
Op de office-pagina recruitment/networking vinden we  de mobile solution om je hotmail account te checken. go there >>

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