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newsboard  20-4-2006
Tot onzer eer en Uw genoegen kunnen wij U mededelen dat sinds vandaag de firma PLAYFON te vinden is in verschillende relevante rubrieken!
Deze firma is distributeur voor Games, Fun en VideoMobile en opereert in verschillende landen, bv UK, Zweden en Rusland.
Bezoek eens op Music/TV  of op  start2>>Gamessite of via internet www.Playfon.com!!
Verder zullen wij U op de hoogte houden over datum van vertrek van ons linkingpage team uit Maastricht!!

For our honnor and your pleasure we can announce that you can find PLAYFON on our pages since today!!
This company is distributing Games, Fun and VideoMobile and is marketleader in Russia for JavaGames/Video.
They also are very present in UK, Sweden, Lithua and Ukrain.
You are welcome to visit   on Music/TV ,  start2>>Gamessite or by internet www.Playfon.com
We'll inform you about the exact time when the linkingpage team from Maastricht is leaving.

If you're on PC, please refresh your pages regulary, then you get the newest items ( &bugs ;(
Have fun!